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Bilbao: the perfect city for sustainable tourism

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11 January 2019

Bilbao: the perfect city for sustainable tourism

The famous cities of many countries have lost the essence they originally had for the concentration of tourism; the emblematic buildings have become large hotels just as the streets do not live the atmosphere that had been so much imagined.

You meet many people who can also speak your language and it is clear that it will be inevitable not have the desire to feel for a moment communicated with other people if you do not master the language of the place.

For language students it is very important to be able to be in a place where the language remains present and although it may sound paradoxical, the fact that the citizens themselves do not speak English is an advantage as you must make more effort to overcome the problems that may arise putting your knowledge to the test.

It is clear that cities like Barcelona or Madrid have everything we have talked about before. Faced with this problem, the central northern part of the peninsula has an answer to the demand for new places to discover: The Basque Country. Especially the city of Bilbao.

Having been an industrial city, after the great economic crises it has changed in such a way that the people who visit it enjoy the best Bilbao it has ever had. Its fame is normally associated only with the Guggenheim Museum, which is the city's jewel in architecture. However, many people do not appreciate what can be a great walk along its estuary that crosses the entire city and at night is quite a spectacle.

Its old town where some buildings retain many details of the original buildings as well as is a pleasant maze of bars, shops,
restaurants and museums. Every corner has something special
As if that weren't enough, for those who love the sustainability of the local economy and the planet, it has an exemplary recycling system where it can be possible to divide all the waste and deposit it correctly in the containers found in all the streets, the artisan trade is found in many shops where quality products are offered. The bars have many proposals for all kinds of palates and food variety. From gluten-free meals to vegan Pintxos.

Regarding the nature of the place, the city is between mountains, so if you want to walk through the forest in less than 30 minutes you will have the trees covering your head. If, on the other hand, you are a person who enjoys the beaches more, at the same time you have the opportunity to go to the Basque coast and bathe in the fresh waters of the Cantabrian Sea.

Bilbao may have everything you need for your next trip, the only thing missing is you!

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