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Teach Spanish as a foreign language: courses for teachers ELE

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29 January 2013

Teach Spanish as a foreign language: courses for teachers ELE

At Closeteachers we know that some of you are assessing the idea of going into teaching Spanish to foreign students and opening new doors for jobs. And for that reason we have put within your reach all the information about the diverse and interesting courses to train teachers: Spanish as a foreign language, that take place at different schools.

In the last few years the demand for Spanish teachers has grown enormously and there are many job opportunities in the profession, within Spain as well as abroad. The possibilities are large and varied:

-Work abroad as a teacher
-Develop your professional career in Spain (within various Spanish language schools, The Oficial School of Languages, Instituto Cervantes, Universities …)
- Become a volunteer in an NGO in Spain or in an international collaboration project

One of our partner schools which has a large experience in this type of training is Instituto Hemingway , which offers, as well as face-to-face classes, an online version that can be a great advantage to those who would prefer to fit it within their daily routine.

We encourage you to explore this professional opportunity and to submerge yourself within the world of teaching Spanish.

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