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Why learn Spanish?

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14 January 2013

Why learn Spanish?

If your aim for the New Year is to learn Spanish, it seems that it´s now better than ever to do so! People are increasingly more interested in learning Spanish for some of the following reasons:

1. Spanish is the third most spoken language in the world after mandarine chinese and english. Approximately 500 million people speak Spanish in the world. In fact, it is considered to be the language of the future after considering that the the Hispanic population has grown by 60% in the last 10 years in the USA. And also, in Europe its influence has increased to the point that it has now become the second most spoken language after english in the educational system, defining its self as a the official language in many international organisations including the United Nations.

2. Of course, learning a second language can have significant advantages when we think about travelling, whether it is for leisure of professional means … Everything is so much easier when we know the language of our chosen destination.

3. In the working environment, it´s undoubtedly the variety of professional opportunities which opens up our knowledge of foreign languages. In the case of Spanish, imagine the opportunities offered by being able to speak a language which is spoken by 350 million people in 21 countries and especially with regards to the economic impulse that´s ocurring in Latin America.

4. In the cultural environment, learning spanish means having first hand access to the immense cultural background, to enjoy the great literary tradition of the language with great novelists like Gabriel García Márquez or Isabel Allende, who continue to appear in the lists of the most sold books and for receiving the best literary critics.

5. For personal reasons there are lots of advantages. This is because learning languages means in many ways to be much nearer to other cultures. And this at a personal level is rewarding.

At Closeteachers, we are more than convinced of the validity of these reasons and many more. It´s true that in Spain there are an array of Spanish schools. But our advice is that if you want the true immersion, leaving behind the most touristic places and selelcting places that have charm but can offer something alternative, then you need to choose a school that combines clases with language and cultural activities and allows you to discover the city and get to know other students to exchange experiences.

We are ready to help you achieve your objectives …Don’t hesitate to contact us!

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