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Learn Spanish with online courses

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27 December 2012

Learn Spanish with online courses

As you may well know, for some time now at Closeteachers we have launched a Virtual Area: a platform for teaching and learning and thanks to that we offer new and improved services to all our students and above all, new alternatives for the learning of Spanish.

Our team believes in the advantages of new technologies being used for teaching and also we are aware of how complicated it can be when having classes and also work plus daily chores.

So, thanks to this new inciative, now we have made learning Spanish much easier: you can do it from where you want and at your own speed! We are putting at your disposition new online courses: Courses for “Los pasados en español” y Curso “Las preposiciones en español”.

They are aimed specifically towards Spanish students who want to work in a more thorough way with linguistic questions to help with the learning of Spanish such as: verbs on the past and prepositions.

The courses include didactic materials, complementary exercises to practice, the possibility of being in contact with a tutor plus a great novelty and without doubt one of the reasons for its success hours of personalised attentions via Google Talk o Skype. We know that speaking skills are one of the pillars of learning a language, but we also know the complication of developing these skills when we do the online courses.

The estimated duration of this course is around 20 hours plus 5 hours face-to-face and they are structured in modules, corresponding to the different levels of the Marco Común Europeo de Referencia (MCER). At the end of the course we will also give you a certificate awarded from Closeteachers.

For more detailed information, take a look at Cursosespanolonline

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