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Learn Spanish abroad

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20 August 2012

Learn Spanish abroad

More and more students want to learn foreign languages abroad. Especially after high school to take a break or to do something new.
It is a good investment to travel around countries because of the language and cultural experience you make there since it is really useful for your CV.
In general students actually leave after being graduated to improve their language skills or to continue their studies abroad at a university.
However, it is necessary to prepare the trip early to know not only something about the school but also about the country. We will provide you with the information for your stay.

The stay abroad is also a big experience in reference to the personally development since it’s supporting your self dependence and Responsibility. Besides it is a difficult task to remove from your usual environment.

This experience is despite of everything really helpful to make new acquaintance and to explore the country and it’s people.

It is also important, if we get a degree level obtained certifying the foreign language, learn about the recognition of qualifications and validations, pass tests of language ( cursos específicos de preparación de DELE , in the case of Spanish), which are often requested and will be so helpful for college or employment purposes.

We from Closeteachers know that the accreditation is really important for schools, which we are working with.
We have so many years experience with special courses of DELE. We just want to be sure, that we are not leaving you empty-handed.

Motivate yourself to do a Spanish course in Spain!

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