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Spanish as a Foreign Language Teaching Course (ELE) in Bilbao

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09 August 2010

Spanish as a Foreign Language Teaching Course (ELE) in Bilbao

The Spanish as a Foreign Language Course at the INSTITUTO HEMINGWAY starts 13th October 2010. The course will take between 13th October 2010 and 22th December 2010. Enrolment is possible throughout September. The course is aimed at anyone interested in training as a Spanish as a foreign language teacher. The course runs from Monday to Thursday and is available in both morning (9.30-11.30) and afternoon sessions (7.30- 9.30). The course finishes with paid teaching experience providing access to the job market.
The course is aimed at anyone interested in the teaching of Spanish to foreign learners and who would like to:
- Work abroad as a teacher.
- Further develop profession careers in Spain (Spanish schools, EOI Business School, Cervantes Institute, universities…).
- Volunteer in NGOs in Spain or in international collaboration projects.

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